Boys getting ready
Girls getting ready
Poor guys must have been so hot out there!
Handsome men!
Nick with his ushers, the Thornton brothers
Proud dad
The girls
Goofy girls
Jamie and her mom, Linda
Jamie is ready to get married!
Grandma Crawford and Chad
Diane and Harry
Tim and Linda
Casey and Taylor
Chad and Valerie
Bride walking down the aisle
Mom's starting off the sand ceremony
Bride and Groom finishing the sand ceremony
You may now kiss your bride!
Parents walking out... we did it!
Bride and Groom
Swept off her feet
Kissy, kissy...
Nick and Jamie's families all together
Let the reception begin!
Cutting the cake
Going in for the garter. Nick looks a little nervous. Hehee...
Garter toss
Bouquet toss off the balcony
Nick wants to know if he can cut in. Jamie's smitten with Teigen.
It's not a wedding without a cheesy line dance
Momma Crawford dancing with Josue
Momma Crawford dancing with Gareth
Momma Crawford dancing with Casey
Momma Crawford dancing with Harry
Tim and Linda
Linda and Tim, so happy
We had a great night!
Nick and Jamie with the Garza family and Jason
Good night! We're out...